So Disney has an Illumination's cruise. Grandma, Grandpa, Daddy, Rian, Aunt TeTe, Aunt Joody, Uncka Steve, Auntie Debbie and I went. Basically an hour before the show we all boarded a large pontoon boat and cruise around. We went in past the Boardwalk, the Yacht and Beach, past the Swan and Dolphin and in front of Hollywood Studios. We just cruised around a little before heading back and finding out spot under the France-UK bridge in EPCOT for the show.
Grandpa set up the trip for Grandma for their 30th Wedding Anniversary. Part of his 30 days to 30 years scheme. Begining June 16 he gave my mom a present eveyday until their Anniversary on July 16. August was the earliest date he could find an opening on the cruise. It was almost a full month later, so it matched the theme.
Rian loved it.
She really enjoys firewroks anyway, which I
think is unique for a baby. But she couldn't get enough of the boat ride either. She just sat snug between me and Rey and watched everything we were passing. As it got darker she loved looking at the lights. I couldn't get over how big she's gotten and how nice it is that she can enjoy the things that we do (even if she won't remember it when she's older). Plus, she was so adorable in her little life vest.