We had a great Christmas and Hanukkah!
Rian loved looking at the tree and playing with the Monorail running around it. She would walk over to it and point the Monorail and say "GO!" and wave her arm like she was pushing it along. She is the cutest baby ever, as my sister says.
She was fasinated by lighting the Menorah. She kept saying "Hot, hot." and trying to blow out the candles.
Here are some of the professional Christmas pictures we had taken.
We didn't get many photos of her opening presents, but she loved it. She would open a present and, if it wasn't clothes, she wanted to play it instead of opening the next present. She got a tricycle from Grandma and Grandpa, a Elmo Live from Grammy and a kitchen from Mommy and Daddy. Of course, she got a ton of clothes and books and other toys.
Rey and I had a good Christmas too. We got a bed from Grandma and Grandpa and new towels that match our new bathroom set from Grammy.
Rey, Rian and I love all our presents. Thank you all.
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