I took him out for a special day the Saturday before. I was kinda themed at, "You're 30, here are somethings I don't want you to miss out on."
We started out having breakfast at IHOP, (classey, I know, but we needed something fast) where he got a pink rose balloon.
From there we went to Sky Venture, an indoor sky diving place. I was a little nervous at first, cause I booked time for me too, but it turned out great. The instructors stay in the wind tunnel with you, which makes it a much easier experience. 
It a really neat free fall without the danger. The instructors told us it was just like actually sky diving, but without the view. Rey had a blast and he was much better than me. I couldn't keep arms down (the wind is really strong). It's only two 1 minute flights, but to me it felt much longer. I think Rey wanted to buy another two minutes though. Chris, our instructor, even gave us a little demonstration at the end.
From there I gave Rey his choice, we could to the Sammy Duvall Watersports Center at the Contemporary, Go Carts or Laser Tag at Old Town (and maybe the Sky Coaster) or whatever else he could think of. Waterskiing at Sammy Duvall's turned to be too expensive, so we went to Old Town. Rey told me that the Sky Coaster was way better after dark (I dodged that bullet) so we bought Go-Cart tickets. As it turns out, I am not good at Go-Carts. We each had four rides...I made Rey drive me aroung for the third one.
Our next stop was the Disney Marketplace and Rainforest Cafe for lunch. Grandma and Grandpa met us with the baby.
Then we went to EPCOT. Rey couldn't, for the life of him, figure out what we were doing at EPCOT. He knew it couldn't be a Segway tour, because we had the baby, but he couldn't think of whatelse there was to do. I surprised him when I walked right up to Guest Relations and said, "My husband has reservations for the 4:15 PM dive at the Living Seas." He hadn't been diving in years, though he has wanted to. He loved it. He got a behind the scenes tour of The Living Seas and then he got to Scuba Dive for 45 mins. He says he buzzed by a Sea Turtle and he almost landed on a shark.

Rian and I even got to watch him in the tank. I thought it was cool, especially cause we got to be on the video they made. Rian, on the other hand, wanted none of it. I think she was a little tired, but she was also hungry and Mommy kept making her get up and walk around to watch Daddy and she couldn't really figure out that it was Daddy. She was ok when he was just floating near us in the tank, but once he swam straight at us; she cried and backed away. (You would too if you had someone in a mask with a big black thing in their mouth that made them look like a monster come at you.)
Lastly we went to the Ft. Wilderness Resort for dinner and a carriage ride. We ordered a pizza, got on a nice little carriage ride, pulled by Doug a beautiful Persheron, (in the dark) where we saw a ton of deer, then ate our pizza on the porch of the resturaunt. It would have been perfect, had we planned it, and had there not been so many durn mosquitos.
We got home, gave Rian a shower, and went to bed. It was a great day for all of us, but especailly Rey. He didn't kow about any of it and was suprised at every turn.
I did however tell him that he had to choose, horses, Scuba, or Sky Diving. We can't afford all three hobbies. (We can't even afford one!!! Why does he have to pick expensive things? Why can't collect stamps or something?)
Sunday, we went to Rey's Mom's and celebrated with his mom and sisters and got a bunch of movies.
Wednesday, he got Guitar Hero from my parents and he, Rian and I went to Texas de Brazil. It's a nice resturaunt, but next time we'll go hungry and without the baby.
Tonight my parents are taking Rey and Tracy (she's 22 today) to BJ's brewhouse. It's been a whole week of birthday fun!!